NSP Newsletter archives


September 2024

In September, NSP discussed “Independent Political Action –
The Way Forward for National Single Payer.”
NSP activists were encouraged to take action to Implement Red Team Report Recommendations. 

August 2024

In August, NSP Steering Committee member Dr. Ana Malinow discussed how “Value-less Payment Schemes Hand Medicare to Wall Street.”

July 2024

In July NSP discussed “Why Saving the VA Matter to the Single Payer Movement.”  Guest speakers were Suzanne Gordon, a senior policy analyst at the Veteran Health Policy Institute and an award-winning journalist and author. And Bruce Carruthers is an Army Vietnam veteran and former adjunct instructor.

June 2024

In June, NSP welcomed Steering Committee member and Reproductive Endocrinologist Dr. Judy Albert who presented “A Conversation About Single Payer and Reproductive Health Rights”

May 2024

In Arpil, NSP leaders Kay Tillow and Dr. Claire Cohen discussed “Don’t Bust Up Medicare and Hand It to the States.”

April 2024

The NSP April webinar featured renouned labor activist Sara Nelson.  Called “America’s most powerful flight attendant” by the NYT and tapped as a possible Secretary of Labor by the Biden administration, Sara has served as the International President of the Association of Flights Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO since 2014, and is currently serving her third four-year term. Sara Nelson discussed “Unions, Power to the People, and the Battle for Medicare for All.”

March 2024

The March webinar featured Maureen Tkacik, a Senior Fellow at the American Economic Liberties Project, investigations editor at the American Prospect, and a journalist who has written extensively on corporate greed for The American Prospect, The Wall Street Journal, Time, and the New Republic. And James Kahn, a professor in the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies and the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco. Tkacik and Kahn discussed “Rural Hospitals Under Fire:
National Single Payer and Global Budgets Can Save Them.”

February 2024

The February webinar, “Against All Odds: What the U.S. Can Learn from the Cuban Health Care System,” featured Secretary David Ramirez Alvarez, the former Cuban attaché to the U.S. General Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is currently Second Secretary in the Cuban Embassy, representing Cuba’s cultural and political forces sectors.

January 2024

In January, NSP announced launch if its podcast series “The Real McCoy in Healthcare.”  The educational webinar disussed “McMedicare for All: What Privatization Means for the Single Payer Movement.”


December 2023

In October, NSP denounced targeting of hospitals in the Gaza Strip and U.S. complicity in genocide.

November 2023

In November, NSP investigated how Medicare Advantage has forced itself into retiree health plans amidst general confusion.  The educational webinar featured Marianne Pizzitola, President of the NYC Organization of Public Service Retirees.

October 2023

In October, National Single Payer invited East Palestine activist Jessica Conard to discuss Section 1881A of the Affordable Care Act, a little-known clause with large ramifications, which provided Medicare to almost all residents in Libby, Montana, regardless of age.  

September 2023

In September, NSP welcomed Linda Phenix, co-chair and co-founder of the Texas Task Force to Protect Medicare from Privatization. The September webinar, “Civil Rights, Medicare, the Desegregation of American Hospitals, and the Menace of ‘Value-Based’ Care,” described the little-known, yet extremely important connections between the Civil Rights Movement and the passage of Medicare, and how Medicare desegregated every American hospital in less than one year.

August 2023

In August, NSP formally launched our, now regularly scheduled, educational sessions featuring a pediatrician, public health advocate, and nationally renowned activist, Dr. Margaret Flowers.  NSP and Dr. Flowers discussed “The Impact of National Single Payer Health Care on American Life.”

April 2023

In April, NSP urged activists to spearhead local participation in the movement for Single Payer by placing the following (non-binding) question on local ballots: “Shall Congress and the President of the United States enact into law the creation of a publicly financed, non-profit, national health insurance program that would fully cover medical care costs for all Americans?”
NSP allies offered to advise interested activists on organzing the ballot measures. 

March 2023

In March, we rallied NSP supporters around a CALL TO ACTION on An Open Letter to Congressional Sponsors of Medicare for All. NSP activist were asked to send the Open Letter to their representatives urging them to make H.R. 1976, The Medicare for All Act of 2021, even stronger before it is introduced for 2023!

February 2023

This newsletter celebrates NSP’s aacomplishments in 2022 and highlights our March webinar “Best Care in the US: What National Single Payer Activists Need to Know About VA Health Care.” Featurin Lakiesha Lloyd (disabled Army veteran and Climate Justice Organizer for Common Defense), Bruce Carruthers (Vietnam veteran, retired VA employee, and member of Veterans for Peace), Suzanne Gordon (award-winning journalist, author, and Senior Policy Fellow at the Veterans’ Health Care Policy Institute), and Dr. Jim Martin (emergency medicine physician at the James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center in North Chicago, run jointly by the Navy and the Department of Veterans Affairs).


December 2022

This newsletter highlights our December webinar “Victory in Rural Wisconsin: The Citizens of Dunn County, WI Pass a Referendum for National Single Payer.” John Calabrese (Dunn County board supervisor), Dr. Lorene Vedder (member of Our Wisconsin Revolution and Physicians for a National Health Program), Monica Berrier (adjunct philosophy professor and community organizer), and Steven Carlson (co-chair of Our Wisconsin Revolution).

October 2022

This newsletter highlights our October webinar “What Happens When Doctors Say ‘No’: The Story of One Doctor in Bloomington, Indiana Who Refused to Join an ACO REACH.”  Features Dr. Rob Stone (Associate Director of IU Health Bloomington Hospice and Medical Director of the Palliative Care program) and Dr. Andy Coates (Past President of Physicians for a National Health Program and Assistant Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry at Albany Medical College).

September 2022

In our first edititon, NSP is introduced to the community.  We highlight our September 28th webinar, “Organizing in Rural Wisconsin: How the Citizens of Dunn County, WI Put National Single Payer on the Ballot”