nsp news

Read what the NSP Steering Committee is publishing about single payer and other timely topics.


The Real McCoy In Healthcare

by Clair M. Cohen, M.D.

Single Payer Healthcare in Labor

by Clair M. Cohen, M.D. | Jan. 7th, 2024 : S1 E4

African Americans & Single Payer Healthcare

by Clair M. Cohen, M.D. | Nov. 12th, 2023 : S1 E3

What's the Matter with Medicare

by Clair M. Cohen, M.D. | Oct. 3rd, 2023 : S1 E2

The Real McCoy

by Clair M. Cohen, M.D. | Sept. 20th, 2023 : S1 E1


September 2024

Independent Political Action –
The Way Forward for National Single Payer

August 2024

Value-less Payment Schemes Hand Medicare to Wall Street

July 2024

Why Saving the VA Matters to the Single Payer Movement

June 2024

“Way Beyond Roe” with NSP this month.

May 2024

Do we really want to destroy Medicare and hand it to the states?

April 2024

The power of unions in the national fight for single payer.


Opinion | Marketplace Subsidies: Poll Tax on the Poor, Giveaways for the Rich | Common Dreams

Ana Malinow | Common Dreams | July 30, 2024

Opinion | Progressives Must Put Medicare for All Back on the Agenda | Common Dreams

Ana Malinow | Common Dreams | May 1, 2024

Opinion | Don’t Bust Up Medicare and Turn It Over to the States! | Common Dreams

Kay Tillow | Common Dreams | April 01, 2024

Opinion | Whipping Egg-Whips: Retirees Are Winning Battles Against Medicare Advantage | Common Dreams

Kay Tillow | Common Dreams | April 1, 2024

Opinion | Whipping Egg-Whips: Retirees Are Winning Battles Against Medicare Advantage | Common Dreams

Kay Tillow | Common Dreams | August 25, 2023

National Single Payer, a Health Care Justice Organization in the U.S., Denounces Targeting of Hospitals in the Gaza Strip and U.S. Complicity in Genocide – CounterPunch.org

Judy Albert, Claire Cohen, Ed Grystar, Ana Malinow, Martha Schmidt, Kay Tillow | CounterPunch | Nov. 29, 2023

East Palestine, Libby and Improved Medicare for All

Kay Tillow | Counterpunch | April 14, 2023

The Long History of Corporate Fraud and Abuse in Medicare

Ana Malinow | The Retiree Advocate | May 2023

An Open Letter to Congressional Sponsors of Medicare for All

Steering Committee | Common Dreams | Mar 8, 2023

No Amount of Fraud Deters Government Agencies When It Comes to Privatizing Medicare

Ana Malinow and Kay Tillow | Common Dreams | Feb 3, 2023

Architects of Medicare Privatization: Congress, Biden and CMS

Sandra Fox | CounterPunch | December 30, 2022

Labor Leaders Provide Cover for Privatization of Medicare – CounterPunch.org

Ed Grystar | CounterPunch | December 13, 2022

Value-Based Payment Is the New For-Profit Health Care Industry

Kip Sullivan, Ana Malinow, and Kay Tillow | Truthout | September 8, 2022

How This Rural Wisconsin County Put Publicly Funded, Non-Profit, National Health Care on the Ballot

Kay Tillow | Common Dreams | September 5, 2022

Value-based payment has produced little value. It needs a time-out

Kip Sullivan, Ana Malinow and Kay Tillow | Stat News | July 26, 2022

Value-Based Care” is a Pretext for Privatization

Kay Tillow | CounterPunch | July 13, 2022

5 Reasons We Need a National Organization to Energize the Fight for Single Payer

Steering Committee | Common Dreams | June 13, 2022

An Obscure Agency Is Threatening to Hand Medicare Over to Wall Street

Ana Malinow | Truthout December 3, 2021

Activists Should Continue to Fight for National Single Payer Rather Than Taking Cues From the Democratic Party

Claire Cohen | Common Dreams | October 18, 2021

Our Racialized System of Second-Class Care

Judy Albert, Claire Cohen, Thomas Brockmeyer, Ana Malinow | Healthcare | Sept 27, 2021

Democrats Propose Medicare for a Few More Instead of Demanding Medicare for All

Ana Malinow | Truthout | Aug 6, 2021

Liberals in Congress Retreat Rather Than Fight for National Single Payer Medicare for All

Ed Grystar | Counterpunch | June 30, 2021

Liz Fowler is Back! And She’s Writing US Health Policy Again

Kay Tillow | Counterpunch | June 7, 2021

Medicare for None: A Response to the State-Based Universal Health Care Act of 2021

Ana Malinow and Kay Tillow | May 25, 2021

Single Payer: Which Way Forward?

Ed Grystar | Popular Resistance | Jan 29, 2021


Health Justice Monitor

The McCanne Health Justice Monitor (HJM) is a health policy blog focused on a progressive policy agenda. HJM takes as its inspiration Quote of the Day, the daily health policy update produced single-handedly by health policy advocate and expert Don McCanne. Don’s prolific work on issues ranging from health care inequity and waste, to financing patterns and the distortions introduced by profit motives, to health reform politics demonstrated how to understand the myriad health policy developments around us in the context of pursuing health efficiency and justice through single payer.

Household Savings Calculator

Medicare for All could save over 60,000 lives and billions of dollars per year by completely removing premiums, deductibles, copays, and surprise medical bills while fully covering medical care, dental, vision, long term care, medications, and more.

Find out how much you would save under Medicare for All!