National Day of Action
Call To Action May 31, 2025: Demand Health Not Profit!
We call on communities across the country to join in a National Day of Action on Saturday, May 31, 2025, to put National Single Payer Healthcare on the nation’s agenda.
Our health care system is broken beyond repair. Insurance companies and for-profit middlemen create barriers to care and massive administrative waste. These result in unnecessary suffering and deaths. For over 60 years, piecemeal reforms have resulted in higher costs and the worst health outcomes among comparable nations.
We demand the recognition by our government that health care is a human right.
We demand the elimination of private health insurance and the banning of for-profit delivery of care.
We demand the enactment of a publicly financed, national single payer program that would provide comprehensive coverage to everyone.
We demand that health care delivery be transformed from profit-seeking ventures into services organized to serve the people of our country, a system in which all caregivers are freed from corporate control.
The National Day of Action will bring people together locally and nationally from neighborhoods, unions, faith groups, businesses, and all types of civic organizations to join the demand to remove profit from health care. We must focus our collective anger towards corporate health insurers to bring real reform: put National Single Payer on the nation’s agenda!
Need Help Organizing Your Action?
(click on a tab to find the lyrics or scroll to the bottom to print)
- Imagine (Healthcare)
- No More ACOs
- Murdering Medicare
- Medicare Advantage
- M4A National Day of Action 2025
- Oh Medicare, Sweet Medicare!
- Health Care Weasels
- Single Payer
- There's No Business Like Heath Insurance
- We Want Medicare For All
(Tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”)
By Lee for Tucson Raging Grannies 03/10/23
(Revised 02/23/25)
(Starting note is A below middle C)
No… more… ACOs!
They’re the reason why
our health-care is in de-cline
while pro-fit’s are sky high!
For man-y dec-ades both par-ties
have ta-ken huge sums from
the corp‘rate health-care in-dus-try
to scam our whole na-tion!
All the while be-hind the scenes
the re-al-i-ty is
they’re pri-va-tiz-ing Med-i-care
to make it “Med-i-Biz“
No… more… ACOs
find-ing ways to stall
pay-ing claims, when what we want
Health-care is a hu-man right!
No one should be left out!
the an-swer’s Med-i-care for All
With it there’ll be no doubt!
Our tax mon-ey should ben-e-fit
the en-tire na-tion
not just weal-thy in-ves-tors
in big corp-o-ra-tions!
Working people are fed up
with the corp’rate lies.
They know we pay bil-lions more
’cause ours is pri-va-tized.
Medicare for All NOW!
MURDERING MEDICARE (Tune of “Bicycle Built For Two”)
By Lee for Tucson Raging Grannies 05/11/18 (Revised 10/30/21) (starting note is F)
They’re Mur-during Med-icare. But not like you would think.
It’s un-der the ta-ble by meth-ods that really stink!
They’re us-ing the same old tact-ics
that Big Box stores have prac-ticed.
by charg-ing us less
’til they have success-
fully killed their com-pet-i-tors.
Med-icare Ad-van-tage plans are do-ing the same thing SO…
(pause) Here are the facts that they don’t want you to know.
Funds for the perks they off-er
come from taxpayers’ coff-ers.
They rob Medicare to
get more than what’s fair
They are for-profit par-a-sites.
It adds to our woes that this tax-payer money goes
to line the pock-ets of Med-icare’s biggest foes!
The for-profits think it’s fun-ny
to use Medi-care’s own mon-ey
luring sen-iors a-way
’til one sad day
too late they find out they’ve been had!
Once all the health-y sen-iors have been sucked out
Med-icare will then be shut do-own without a doubt!
So con-tact each Congress-per-son
and don’t buy plans that wors-en
the fu-ture of all… (pause)
just cause they are called… (pause)
Speak very –> an Ad-van-tage…
slowly cause TRUST us… THEY’RE NOT!
MEDICARE ADVANTAGE (tune of “Hotel California”)
Protest lyrics by Lee for Tucson Raging Grannies 06/21/24
The T V ads and mail outs had made it sound so good,
with gym and den-tal cov’rage and e-ven some free food!
But they‘ve de-nied the chem-o I’ve just been found to need,
I must go back to REAL Medi-care, and do it at full speed!
But the broker said…
“Wel-come to-o Med-i-care Ad-va-an-tage!”
with its love-ly frills
hiding all the bills
that you will have to pay once you are real-ly ill.
What a nice sur-prise
underneath the lies.
Last thing I re-mem-ber, I was run-ning for the door.
I had to find the pass-age back to the place I was be-fore.
“Re-lax,”(pause) said the bro-ker, “We are pro-grammed to re-ceive.
You can check out an-y time you like, but you can ne-ver leave!“
Wel-come to-o Med-i-care Ad-va-an-tage!
You can-not go back,
once you’re on the track.
Up-com-ing stops for pa-tients ri-ding on this train
are “Small Net-works” and “De-ni-al of Claims“!
Wel-come to-o Med-i-care Ad-va-an-tage!
What a love-ly face...
hides a HUGE dis-grace!
M4A National Day of Action 2025 (Tune of “She’ll Be Comin Round the Mountain”) By Lee for Tucson Raging Grannies 01/28/25
We want Med-i-care for All right here right now!
We’re fed up with bein’ used as a cash cow!
Mill-ion-aire investors makin’ bigger profits really festers
when we’re told life-saving treatment’s not a-llowed!
Health insurance in the U S is so bad!
Now we’re witnessing a change that’s ver-y sad.
When the man who shot the C E O is now seen as a folk hero
ya’ know some major changes must be had!
We do NOT condone murder in an-y way!
That in-cludes by claim de-ni-al and de-lay.
So, when C E Os who do it are al-lowed to pro-fit through it,
then we un-der-stand the rage folks feel to-day!
We want ev’-ry-bod-y in the U S A
tak-in’ to the streets the thir-ty first of May!
That’s the day we’ll come to-geth-er re-e-gard-less of the wea-ther
to DE-MAND all health-care PRO-FIT swept a-way!!! YAY!!!!!!
(Tune of “Oh Christmas Tree “)
(Original protest lyrics by Sol Abrams, Corine Willinger & Adele Rolider)
Revised by Lee for Tucson Raging Grannies 03/08/25
(Starting note = G below middle C)
Oh Med-i-care, sweet Med-i-care, your ben-e-fits we’d love to share.
All through this land you should be spread. You’re the best thing since sliced bread.
Your o-ver-head is ver-y low. You save us all a lot of dough.
Now It’s time to cover ev-er-y…. med-i-cal necess–i-ty.
It’s clear-ly Congress-‘es disgrace that so far this is not the case.
They have been paid by prof-iteers to spread their lies for man-y years.
We need to give them all the boot! We’d save our-selves a lot of loot,
if ev‘-ry-one would take a stand for Med-i-care a-cross the land!
Advantage plans are ev‘rywhere. They’re parasites on true healthcare.
OH tradishnal Med-i-care, with all those scams are you still there?
Our Congress lets them rob from you to subsidize the wealthy who
own shares in these Advantage plans and profit from their dirty scams!
Advantage plans are ACOs and Med–i-ca-a-res big-gest foes!
And now they have the weirdest perks to make up for their small networks.
A lot like guys whose cars are great ’cause they think they must compensate.
That’s one more reason t’would be best to put more women in Congress!
Don’t privatize our Medicare! Instead expand it ev’rywhere!
Improve it so it fully pays for ev’rything with no delays!
Tell ev‘ry member of Congress we won’t a-gree to an-y less
than Medicare for All, and it…(very slow->) must be free of all pro–fit!
Health Care Weasels (B) (tune of “Pop Goes the Weasel”)
By Lee for Tucson Raging Grannies Revised 02/23/25 (starting note D#)
What‘s worse than a case of meas-les?
Med-i-care Ad-va-an-tage!
Make the CMS wea–ea-ea-sels
con-fess it’s a DIS-ad-va-an-tage!
Med–i-care for All is the cure,
for our cor-rup-ted hea-ealth-care.
There’s no other way for sure
to end this corp‘rate wealth-care!
Be-hind the scenes… ACO-REACH
is just a name that’s fa–a-ake…
a way to help out cor-pora-tions
who are on the ta-a-ake!
Med-i-care for All is the cure,
Not more ACO-O-Os.
The on-ly thing they do for sure
is care for their in-ve-es-tors!
A huge percent of A-me-er-i-cans
want Med–i-care for A-A-All.
Threat-en Con-gress they will get canned
if they con-tin-ue to sta-a-all!
Med-i-care for All is the cure,
It’s the on-ly wa-a-ay!
Co–ver ev‘ry-one for sure!
Get pro-fit out to-da-a-ay!
We all need to stand and de-mand
a plan that’s real-ly hea-ealth care.
We can’t keep our heads in the sand.
STOP this corp‘rate wea-ealth–care!
Congress has to dance to our beat
and pass what we’ve just ci-i-ted.
We can vote them out of their seats
If we stand u-ni-i-ted!
Single Payer (tune of “Frere Jacques”)
By Hank Tusinski for Tucson Raging Grannies 01/14/18
(Starting note is middle C)
Single Payer
Single Payer
Health care now
Health care now
Everyone is covered
Everyone is covered
None left out
None left out
(To the tune of “There’s No Business Like Show Business”)
By Lee for Tucson Raging Grannies 04/11/17 (Revised 03/12/25)
(Starting note = D)
There’s no biz-ness like health in-sur-ance
where mon-ey comes a-bove health.
Ev‘ry-thing a-bout it is dis-gust-ing,
Ev’ry-thing our pol–i-tics al-low.
Even though their coff-ers are all bust–ing
they’ll still find roooom for more some-how.
There’s no biz-ness like health in-sur-ance.
They smile when you are low
be-cause no mat-ter what, they get your mon-ey
And when you run out of it, well hon–ey,
take a look at what all of that fine print said,
“If you can’t pay, please drop dead.”
There’s no biz-ness like health in-sur-ance,
the greed–i-est biz-ness we know
Ev–en though their pro-fits soar like rock–ets
they’ll take the last dime from your grand-ma’s pock–ets.
Their sli–my CEOs are so un-feel–ing
Con-cerns for heal–ing are just for show.
For years we’ve asked them for Me--ed-i-care for All
but our pol-i-ti-cians stall.
Pre-oc-cu-pied with mon-ey for their ca-amp-aigns
while we suffer with aches and pains
Now we say it’s time we start-ed rais-in’ Cain!
We Want Medicare For All (Tune of “Love Me Tender”)
By Lee for Tucson Raging Grannies 01/31/20 (C) (Revised 03/12/25)
(Starting note is B flat below Middle C)
>>> NOTE: Sing this at a very fast pace in a “sing-songy” style <<<
We want Med-i-care for All…(pause) It’s the on-ly one!
It will keep us ALL health-y with money left for fun!
Med-i-care for All…(pause) is the ONE plan that’s com-plete!
It will co–ver ev’ry-thing, like long-term care and teeth. (grin & show teeth)
More than fif-ty nine trill-ion is what we pay right now!
Un-der Med-i-care for All we’ll save two trill-ion… WOW !
Any poli-ti-cian who… (pause) claims it will cost more
has eith-er been bought off or their…(pause) math skills are quite poor!
They tell us tax-es will rise, but here’s what they don’t say
The sav-ings we’ll get is far more than tax-es we will pay.
There will be no more co–pays or out-of-poc-ket costs!
Our health-care will be fund-ed with not a pen-ny lost!
Mon-ey we’ll no long-er pay in-sur-ance mid-dle-men
is great-er than the tax in-crease…(pause) so in the end we win! (shout)-> YEA!!
Investors and their CEOs all make a huge pro-fit!
Med–i-care for All will end this preying on the sick.
Slow)-> DE-MAND Med-i-care for All…(pause) It’s the on-ly one!
(very slow)-> End the pro-fi-teering now and CO—VER— EV’—RY—–ONE!
The Profiteers Have Left the Building!
Louisville, KY
Rally for Health Not Profit: Put Single Payer on the Nationa’s Agenda
Saturday, May 31, 2025
Romana Mazzoli Federal Building
600 Martin Luther King Jr. Pl.
Louisville, KY 40202
Contact: Kay Tillow,
All Unions Committee for Single Payer Health Care
California OneCare/HEAL CA
HEAL California, a project of California OneCare, is a nonprofit healthcare advocacy organization harnessing social, streaming, and conventional media to shine a light on our broken healthcare system, give voice to the millions of Americans who lack adequate, affordable health care, and promote Improved Medicare for All.
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Chicago Antiwar Coalition
Citizen Power, Inc
Citizen Power is a nonprofit public policy, research, education and advocacy organization based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania working on behalf of those less advantaged and those without a voice, to provide and further improve vital human services.
Citizen Power focuses primarily on two areas of societal needs – energy and health care. On the energy side, Citizen Power works to promote the increased use of renewable energy and energy-efficiency technologies. On the healthcare side, Citizen Power advocates for the establishment of a single-payer, universal service healthcare system.
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Colorado Call to Action
Derby City CLUW
The Coalition of Labor Union Women is America’s only national organization for union women. Formed in 1974, CLUW is a nonpartisan organization within the union movement. Derby City CLUW is the Louisville, Kentucky chapter of CLUW.
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Detroit Disability Power
Detroit Disability Power’s mission is to leverage and build the organizing and political power of the disability community to ensure the full inclusion of people with disabilities in Metro Detroit.
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Down Home North Carolina
Down Home North Carolina is building power with poor and working-class people in North Carolina’s small towns and rural communities.
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Greater Louisville Central Labor Council
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Health Care for All CA/PNHP-Humboldt
Health Care for All North Carolina
The mission of Health Care for All NC is to educate and activate health care providers and the general public on behalf of a comprehensive, high quality, universal, single payer health care system that is equitably provided to all Americans and is paid for exclusively by a federal program accountable to the people.
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Health Care for All South Carolina
Health Care for All Texas
We Are an all volunteer, grassroots organization that believes health care is a human right. Every person in the state of Texas deserves access to high quality health care at an affordable cost.
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Health Care Justice NC
We are over 4500 Charlotte-area physicians, nurses, other healthcare workers, community members and students advocating for a single-payer universal health care system. We are the Charlotte region chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), which has been working on this cause with its 22,000 members for 35 years. We support Improved Medicare for All.
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IFCO/Pastors for Peace
The Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO), founded in 1967 by progressive church leaders and activists, is the first national foundation led by people of color. For over 40 years, IFCO has supported community organizations and public policy groups fighting for justice and self-determination by providing technical assistance, training organizers, administering grants and using its global network of grassroots organizers, clergy and other professionals to advance the struggles for justice and self determination of the oppressed.
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Kentuckians For Single Payer Healthcare
Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare We are working to pass universal, single payer health insurance as embodied in the plan of the Physicians for a National Health Program. We are working to build a movement in Kentucky strong enough to win the support of our elected representatives.
We are working to direct the anger and frustration engendered by an unjust health system into positive work to bring the humane changes we need. We work to bring both hope and health. We work to make what is morally right also politically possible. We need you. All of us are in this together. We can build a more united, healthy, hopeful Kentucky.
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Life in Motion Functional Health and Wellness
Lucas County Green Party
Mid Valley Health Care Activists
Movement to End Privatization of Medicare
National Organization of Women, Alice Paul Chapter
South Jersey NOW–Alice Paul chapter, founded in October 1971, includes activist women and men who work to further legal, social, and political equality for women and their families. With more than 300 diverse members (ages 20 to 95 years) from Bordentown to Cape May, South Jersey NOW advocates for many issues including combating racism, the Equal Rights Amendment, reproductive rights, empowering young feminists, pay equity, and preventing violence against women.
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NJ Universal Healthcare Coalition
The NJ Universal Health Care Coalition exists to do two things: (1) provide information and educational materials about Medicare for All to NJ residents; and (2) develop and build support for legislation at both the federal and state levels that we believe will best advance implementation of a federal single payer system.
We agree to evaluate our Statement of Purpose on an as-needed basis so that we
can adjust strategy based on our assessment of the needs of all residents, nationally and statewide, within the context of the political landscape.
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Northwest Bronx Indivisible
Northwest Bronx Indivisible (NWBI) is a grassroots group committed to democracy and the rule of law. NWBI is one many–thousands and growing–Indivisible chapters across our nation.
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Ohio Green Party
The Green Party is composed of grassroots activists, environmentalists, advocates for social justice, nonviolent resisters, and regular citizens who’ve had enough of corporate-dominated politics. Our goal is to be the electoral wing of the nation-wide movements against war and corporate power.
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Our Revolution Northern Virginia
Philly Neighborhood Networks
A spark of progressive activism was ignited during the 2004 Presidential campaign. A core group of MoveOn organizers realized the impact they had using the power to influence election results in the key city in the swing state of Pennsylvania. That spark generated a local organization with an enduring commitment: Philly Neighborhood Networks that now involves over 3,400 activists. We push for progressive candidates and policies in Philadelphia, and organize our work around Action Committees that work for Economic Justice, Education, Electoral Politics, Environment, Healthcare, and Housing. We recognize all these issues are infused with racial injustice and the systemic oppression of people of color, and each committee prioritizes anti-racism within its movement.
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PNHP - Bay Area Chapter, California
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PNHP Florida Chapter
Physicians for a National Health Program is a nonprofit organization of 15,000 physicians, medical students and health professionals who support single-payer national health insurance. This is the website of the Florida Capital City Chapter of PNHP.
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Progressive Democrats of New Jersey
The Progressive Democrats of New Jersey’s motivation is to promote democracy and egalitarianism in the government and economy of the State of New Jersey through the nomination and election of progressive leftist candidates for public office throughout the state, its counties, and its municipalities, as well as to advocate for working people, social, economic, racial, and environmental justice.
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Radical Elders
We are elders living in the United States and its colonies whose lives have been immersed in the struggles to replace a failing and oppressive social system with a society that is just, stable and sustainable.
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Rise Up WV
Rise Up West Virginia formed out of a community meeting in Charleston in early 2017. We came together out of concern for the direction of our country and a belief that politics-as-usual has failed us. We are building an independent political force, not aligned with either major party, in order to pressure politicians to fight for the common good – not an elite few.
We believe in a vision for our country where politicians fight visibly for ordinary Americans and stand up to wealthy interests to ensure that all of us have healthcare, quality public education, decent income and secure retirement. We believe in an America where racism, sexism and religious intolerance are not part of any candidate’s platform, and moral courage is the norm, not the exception. We look towards a future where American democracy functions again because wealth and power are no longer concentrated in the hands of a few.
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Roots Action
RootsAction is dedicated to galvanizing people who are committed to economic fairness, equal rights for all, civil liberties, environmental protection — and defunding endless wars. We mobilize on these issues no matter whether Democrats or Republicans control Washington D.C.
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Health Care For All Ohioans (HCFAO) is the educational arm of SPAN Ohio. The IRS has recognized Health Care For All Ohioans as a 501(c)3 public charity. As such, contributions to Health Care for All Ohioans are deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
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Veterans for Peace Linus Pauling Chapter
We are veterans and associate members committed to building a culture of peace by using our experiences and lifting our voices.
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Veterans for Peace PGH #047
Veterans For Peace is a global organization of Military Veterans and allies whose collective efforts are to build a culture of peace by using our experiences and lifting our voices. We inform the public of the true causes of war and the enormous costs of wars, with an obligation to heal the wounds of wars. Our network is comprised of over 140 chapters worldwide whose work includes: educating the public, advocating for a dismantling of the war economy, providing services that assist veterans and victims of war, and most significantly, working to end all wars.
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Veterans For Peace, Phil Berrigan Memorial Chapter, Baltimore, MD
Veterans For Peace is a global organization of Military Veterans and allies whose collective efforts are to build a culture of peace by using our experiences and lifting our voices. We inform the public of the true causes of war and the enormous costs of wars, with an obligation to heal the wounds of wars. Our network is comprised of over 140 chapters worldwide whose work includes: educating the public, advocating for a dismantling of the war economy, providing services that assist veterans and victims of war, and most significantly, working to end all wars.
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Western PA Coalition for Single Payer Healthcare
We are an all-volunteer, grassroots group advocating national, universal, single-payer health care.
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West Tennesee Chapter PNHP
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West Virginia Citizen Action
Since 1974, WVCAG and our members have worked to increase the voice of the average citizen in public affairs through research, education, lobbying, organizing and coalition building.
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Join the NSP Working Group ~ where the joy of organizing happens!
The NSP Working Group meets via Zoom on the 4th Wednesday of the month.
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